GREYLISTING - How do I rebuild the greylisting database? ADMIN*
publicado por Sam Rios on 27 December 2023 10:24 PM
IntroductionThere may be times the database has become corrupted and you want to backup, restore, or regenerate the database. Using the utility provided with cPanel, this can be quickly done through the command line.
ProcedurecPanel offers the following script to reimport, export, or regenerate the Greylisting database.
--init => Initialize the SQLite DB with the basic data structure as needed. --trust => Trust the IPs for the common email services specified. Specify this switch more than once to trust multiple services at the same time.
--export => Export the current Trusted Hosts List. --update_common_mail_providers => Update the Common Mail Provider data in the database. You can specify '--force', in order to forceably update the IP data in the database.
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